Sports Ilustrated Front Cover
How does the design that you created demonstrate your knowledge of Magazine Design and the parts of a magazine cover and interior?I created the cover of the magazine and my design that I demonstrated my knowledge of Sports Illustrated, how they created their magazine covers, and the parts of a magazine cover. I used the type tool, set up different layers for each specific thing, and used the pen tool to go around the head of the main image to put it in front of the title.
In what ways does your magazine connect to the corporate identity of the magazine? What are some design queues that you used from the existing magazine? Before I started the design, I looked at other Sport Illustrated magazine covers to get an idea of where the usually put their cover line, their barcode, their date, their main cover line, etc. They didn’t have that many specific covers that I was looking for, but I did find a few. I also noticed a few of them had put the main image in front of the mast head and others in the back. I copied some of their fonts, and ideas on the size and color of the cover lines.
How did completing the brainstorming packet and sketches affect your design process? It made my design process faster because I already had down the cover lines, the main cover lines, and the date and price. The sketch also helped me move faster because I knew where I was going to place everything which only left me to think about the color scheme and font chooses and shifting things around to make them look clean.
How did you like working with a partner? How do you think working with a partner makes the design process easier and more difficult? I liked working with a partner because I could give and take critics on how to make each other’s project better. I also thought it was fun working with someone and being able to plan the project out with them. We had a few laughs now and there while staying on the topic of our project. The only difficult thing was the coordination between the interior and exterior because some of the decisions that made one look better, did not work for the other one. We also had to change how we thought the interior to look since our first idea took way to much space.
Looking at your partner’s design, if you were to design your partner’s portion by yourself how would it look different? What would you have changed? I would have changed the amount of text since we had to cut a few parts since they were took long even when we compressed them. I also think I would make the colors for the interior correspond more with the colors on the cover.
Describe the ideal partner (co-worker / co –designer)?
The ideal partner is someone that will listen to your ideas and also give you ideas. Also, someone that you can rely on being in class and doing their work to the best of their ability; and if you have fun while doing it then all the better.