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Cute Foods

  1. How does the design that you created demonstrate your knowledge of playing card design? I looked at the original deck of cards and used the same kind of format just made it a little bit cuter. It demonstrates my knowledge of card design by keeping it within the traditional deck style just with my taste.

2.How would the rest of the deck look? What would you do for the other picture cards? Please describe in detail? The rest of the deck would be made up of other cute foods like for example the 2 would be 2 baby carrots and the king would be pizza.

3.How does your design demonstrate your knowledge of adobe illustrator?

My design shows how I demonstrated my knowledge of adobe by using the pen tool to sketch out everything I wanted and resizing and transforming it. I also used the reflection tool a lot to keep everything even. The ruler/guidelines also helped out a ton.

4.What do you feel was the most challenging part of this project and why?

The most challenging part of this project was finding a way to incorpate my idea to something interesting. Since my theme was food I couldn’t think of a way to make it fun or entertaining, till like a week and a half in when I was drawing chibi’s (Chibi’s is a Japanese art style) and realized I could do a version of that for foods.

5.If you can change one requirements what would it be and why?

To pick your own theme because not everyone will like to be stuck with food or the 1950’s.

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